Herbal Therapy
Hot temperture increase energy energy flow, improve circulation, relax muscles and stimulate nerves.

Improvement of coldness and gynecological disorders, steaming which is effective for menstrual irregularity and menopausal disorder. Only the face like a sauna steams the body without getting hot first, so the whole body warms evenly.
Herb Ingredients
Wormwood: Improvement of gynecological diseases, menstrual irregularities, effects at menopause
Cassumunar Ginger : muscle pain
Lemmongrass : Insect repellent, give off stomach gas.It smells good from the body, constipation improvement,
Kaffir Lime : Dizziness, nausea, smell is eliminated, sickness stop When it is used instead of rinseu, dandruff does not come out
Cinnamon : Good for those with high blood pressure, insomnia, diabetes, blood difficult to stop.
Camphor tree : Nausea, respiratory system muscle pain rheumatoid depression symptoms
YellowTamarind: Actually constipation, the leaves are beautiful skin
Soap Pod Tree: Put out sparkling bad energy. Put on a bedside, I do not see a nightmare.
Yellow Tumeric: It sticks to the stomach mucosa, good for insect bites. To make the blood smooth
Salt: Open pores
Plantain : Numbness of limbs, neuralgia
Many of these herbs have a balancing effect on the mind and spirit, and provide clients with a soothing reduction of stress. All of the herbs also possess properties with clear out congestion of the lugs and sinuses, and application of hot compresses to he chest and throat can be a wonderful way to kick a cold.